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This is the second and final part of the Jetpack Compose series that combines curious excitement with a healthy dose of cautious skepticism. Let’s go!
Bugs create a special atmosphere. They often cause a lot of unrest or outright panic. But does it have to be that way?
Code signing goes hand in hand with iOS development, whether you wish to build and upload your app to your device, or you just want to upload it to the App Store.
In this brief tutorial, I am going to walk you through a relatively painless process of using .p8 certificates from App Store Connect API to authenticate during Fastlane builds. As we also use GitLab as our CI, I will also show you how to pass the key from GitLab to Fastlane script.
Everybody has met or talked to a person that had a script to follow. Insurance salesmen, dealers, receptionists… All these people were given a script to follow, a checklist to go through, or just a simple answer to give when asked. Not unlike a chatbot.
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